Hybrid Identity Hands-On Lab

Lab scenario

In this lab you will start by building and configuring an Azure VM to simulate an on-premises Active Directory domain controller. You will then provision a VM in Azure to run Azure Active Directory Connect. Afterwards, you will provision an Azure Active Directory tenant, and finally, using Azure AD Connect, synchronize accounts from on-premises Active Directory to Azure Active Directory.

Before you Begin

In order to be successful with this lab you will need a clean Azure subscription. By clean we mean no resources in use or in production and the identity you have associated with this Azure subscription is not associated with any other active Azure subscription or Azure Active Directory.


You will consume approximately $10 in Azure usage building this lab. You will also need four (4) Total Regional vCPUs available in your subscription.

Exercise 1 - Setup an IaaS Virtual Machine via Azure CLI

In this task you use the Azure CLI to create an Azure Virtual Machine running Windows Server 2019.

  1. Open an Azure CLI window by browsing to Azure Shell.
  2. If prompted, login using your Microsoft Azure Account.
  3. When the Welcome to Azure Cloud Shell screen appears select Bash as the working CLI and then Create Storage. Once storage is created click Close.
  4. At the CLI prompt, let’s create a new resource group to hold your Domain Controller. Create the resource group by typing in the following command:

     az group create --name Identity-Infrastructure --location eastus
  5. Create a network security group:

     az network nsg create --name AD-NSG --resource-group Identity-Infrastructure --location eastus
  6. Create a network security group rule for port 3389.

     az network nsg rule create --name PermitRDP --nsg-name AD-NSG --priority 1000 --resource-group Identity-Infrastructure --access Allow --source-address-prefixes "*" --source-port-ranges "*" --direction Inbound --destination-port-ranges 3389
  7. Create a virtual network.

     az network vnet create --name AD-VNet --resource-group Identity-Infrastructure --address-prefixes --location eastus
  8. Create a subnet:

     az network vnet subnet create --address-prefix --name AD-Subnet --resource-group Identity-Infrastructure --vnet-name AD-VNet --network-security-group AD-NSG
  9. Create your virtual machine:.

     az vm create --resource-group Identity-Infrastructure --name DC01 --size Standard_B2s --image Win2019Datacenter --admin-username ADadmin --admin-password Complex.Password --nsg AD-NSG --private-ip-address

    It will take several minutes to provision the virtual machine. We suggest you write down the credentials to DC01.

  10. Close Azure Shell.

Exercise 2 - Install and Configure Active Directory

In this task you use PowerShell (or PowerShell ISE) within Windows Server 2019 to install Active Directory.

  1. Once DC01 is running connect to the DC01 virtual machine and logon with your local account (ADadmin) by selecting Microsoft Azure / Resource Groups / Identity-Infrastructure / DC01 / Connect / RDP.
  2. Make sure that you choose the public IP address, not the Private IP address, and then click on Download RDP File.
  3. Logon with your local credentials that you wrote down earlier. You may have to choose More Choices then Use a different account to enter your new set of credentials. The username is ADadmin and the password is Complex.Password. Click the checkbox for Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer and then Yes when prompted regarding the certificate error.
  4. Once your desktop is provisioned, click No on the Network Discovery blade.
  5. Hit the Windows Start button and then open Windows PowerShell. Enter the following to install the Active Directory Domain Service module:

     Install-windowsfeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools

    This may takes a few minutes to run.

  6. Import the deployment modules by entering the following:

     Import-Module ADDSDeployment

    PowerShell will quickly return as this command takes milliseconds to execute.

  7. Promote your server to a domain controller by entering the following command. Don’t forget to set the domain names properly minding the quotes.

     Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS” -DomainMode “Win2012R2” -DomainName “<yourADdomain.TLD>" -DomainNetbiosName “<yourADdomain>" -ForestMode “Win2012R2” -InstallDns:$true -LogPath “C:\Windows\NTDS” -SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL” -Force:$true

    Write down your FQDN doman name and NetBIOS on your scratch pad for future reference.

  8. Once you hit enter you will be asked for the SafeModeAdministratorPassword – this is for the Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM). Enter Complex.Password and then retype to confirm.

    You will receive warnings about security settings, network adapters, and DNS Servers. These warnings can be ignored.

  9. Once Active Directory is installed your virtual machine will restart.

Exercise 3 - Configure DNS

The virtual network that contains the domain controller is pointing to Azure DNS, not the DNS of the domin controller, for name resolution. Any new VMs will not be able to find the DNS service on the domain controller and be able to join the domain. Change the DNS to point to the domain controller.

  1. In the Azure portal click Home -> Resource groups -> Identity-Infrastructure.
  2. Click on DC01 and copy the Private IP address (e.g.
  3. Within the Identity-Infrastructure Resource Group click on AD-Vnet.
  4. Under Settings click DNS Servers.
  5. Change the DNS servers to Custom and paste the IP address of DC01 under Add DNS server.
  6. Click Save.

Exercise 4 - Connect to the Domain Controller and create a user account

Create Domain Accounts

  1. RDP into DC01 and logon with the following domain account:
    • Username: adadmin@<yourdomain.tld>
    • Password: Complex.Password

    Choose More Choices then Use a different account to enter your new set of credentials.

  2. In Server Manager / Tools open Active Directory Users and Computers. In the domain tree expand your domain and then select Users, then right-click, New then User and create a user object with the following information:
    • First Name: Bob
    • Last Name: Jones
    • Full Name: Bob Jones
    • User Logon Name: Bob.Jones
  3. Click Next and set the password to Complex.Password. Uncheck User must change password at next logon, and set the Password never expires checkbox.
  4. Click Next then Finish.
  5. In the domain tree select Users, then right-click, New then User and create a user object with the following information:
    • First Name: Julia
    • Last Name: Williams
    • Full Name: Julia Williams
    • User Logon Name: Julia.Williams
  6. Click Next and set the password to Complex.Password. Uncheck User must change password at next logon, and set the Password never expires checkbox.
  7. Click Next then Finish.

Exercise 5 - Create a virtual machine to host AD Connect

Following Microsoft recommended practices we are creating a virtual machine to be used to host Azure AD Connect.

  1. From your desktop return to and open an Azure CLI window by browsing to Azure Shell.
  2. You may have to hit Reconnect.
  3. Create your virtual machine:

     az vm create --resource-group Identity-Infrastructure --name ADConnect --size Standard_B2s --image Win2019Datacenter --admin-username ADConnectAdmin --admin-password Complex.Password --nsg AD-NSG --private-ip-address

Exercise 6 - Install Azure Active Directory

  1. In the Azure Portal, click Microsoft Azure and then +Create a resource. Select Identity and then Azure Active Directory.
  2. Enter the following on the Create directory tab:
    • Organization name: Identity Lab
    • Initial domain name: <yourinitials>IdentityLab (e.g. abdIdentityLab)
    • Hit Tab.

      Ensure validation passes as your namespace needs to be unique within the onmicrosoft.com namespace. We often see students choosing a domain name that already exists.

  3. Click Create. It will take several minutes for the directory to be created.

Exercise 7 - Create a Sync Account

We are going to create an account that AD Connect will use to perform the synchronization process between the on-prem domain controller and Azure Active Directory.

  1. In Azure Active Directory click on + New User and enter the following:
    • User name: AzureADSync
    • Name: AzureADSync
    • Under Password:
      • Select Let me create the password
      • Initial password: Temporary.Password
    • Under Groups and roles click on User
      • Scroll down to find and select Global administrator.
      • Click Select
    • Usage location: United States
  2. Click Create.

Reset the Sync Account password

  1. Open an InPrivate or Incognito browser.
  2. Surf to portal.azure.com.
  3. Logon as AzureADSync@<yourAzureADdomainname>.onmicrosoft.com with a password of Temporary.Password.
  4. Update your password to Complex.Password.
  5. Close the InPrivate or Incognito browser.

Exercise 8 - Join the Domain

  1. Once the ADConnect VM is successfully provisioned, connect to the ADConnect VM and logon as ADConnectAdmin. Select More Choices then Use a different account to enter your credentials.
  2. Click No on the Networks blade.
  3. Within Server Manager, click Don’t show me this again and close the Windows Admin Center window.
  4. Click on Local Server, then WORKGROUP, then Change to rename this computer or join it to a domain.
  5. Click the radio button for Domain, enter your fully-qualified domain name, such as <myADdomain.TLD>, and click OK.
  6. In the Windows Security box enter the following:AD Domain Admin credentials:
    • username: ADadmin
    • password: Complex.Password
  7. Click Ok on the Welcome screen, Ok on the Computer Name/Domain Changes window, Close, then Restart Now.

Exercise 9 - Install Azure Active Directory Connect

  1. Once the ADConnect VM has successfully rebooted, connect to the ADConnect VM and logon as <yourADdomainname>\ADAdmin, not ADConnectAdmin which is a local account. Select More Choices then Use a different account to enter your credentials.

    Ensure that you are not logging on as local account!

  2. When Server Manager opens select Local Server and turn off IE Enhanced Security Configuration for Administrators.
  3. Open Internet Explorer, accept the defaults, and surf to Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect.
  4. Click Download, then Run when prompted. Close Internet Explorer within the AD Connect virtual machine.

Configure Azure Active Directory Connect

  1. When installation start switch to the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window and on the Welcome to Azure AD Connect screen select I agree then Continue.
  2. Review the screen and select Use express settings.
  3. On the Connect to Azure AD screen enter your Azure AD Credentials:

    • USERNAME: AzureADSync@<yourAzureADDomain>.onmicrosoft.com
    • PASSWORD: Complex.Password
    • Click Next and then confirm the credential are validated. Correct any errors.
  4. On the Connect to AD DS screen, enter the Active Directory Domain Services domain administrator credentials:
    • USERNAME: <yourADDomain>\adadmin
    • PASSWORD: Complex.Password
    • Click Next and then confirm the credential are validated.
  5. On the Azure AD sign-in configuration screen, select the checkbox for Continue without any verified domains and click Next.

    Since this is a temporary lab environment we are not going use a validated custom domain.

  6. On the Ready to Configure screen click Install.
  7. It may take 5-10 minutes for Azure AD Connect to complete installation. Read the Configuration Complete screen and then click Exit.
  8. Minimize your RDP window.

Validate Synchronization

  1. Switch to the Azure portal and examine your Azure AD Directory by selecting the xxxx.onmicrosoft.com directory from the upper right hand corner of the portal.
  2. Under Manage select Users. Note that you should now see accounts sourced from Windows Server AD that have synchronized to Azure Active Directory (e.g. Bob & Julia).

Congratulations! Your are now synchronizing Active Directory to Azure Active Directory!!