AZ-220 Provision and manage devices (20-25%)

Skills Measured:

Implement the Device Provisioning Service (DPS)

  • Create a Device Provisioning Service
  • Create a new enrollment in DPS
  • Manage allocation policies by using Azure Functions
  • Link an IoT Hub to the DPS

Manage the device lifecycle

  • Provision a device by using DPS
  • Deprovision an autoenrollment
  • Decommission (disenroll) a device

Manage IoT devices by using IoT Hub

  • Manage devices list in the IoT Hub device registry
  • Modify device twin tags and properties
  • Trigger an action on a set of devices by using IoT Hub Jobs and Direct Methods
  • Set up Automatic Device Management of IoT devices at scale

Build a solution by using IoT Central

  • Define a device type in Azure IoT Central
  • Configure rules and actions in Azure IoT Central
  • Define the operator view
  • Add and manage devices from IoT Central
  • Monitor devices
  • Custom and industry-focused application templates
  • Monitor application health using metrics


AZ-220 IoT Labs

  • Module 3: Device Provisioning at Scale
    • Lab 05: Individual Enrollment of a Device in DPS
      Exercise 1: Verify Lab Prerequisites
      Exercise 2: Create new individual enrollment (Symmetric keys) in DPS
      Exercise 3: Configure Simulated Device
      Exercise 4: Test the Simulated Device
      Exercise 5: Retire the Device

    • Lab 06: Automatically provision IoT devices securely and at scale with DPS
      Exercise 1: Verify Lab Prerequisites
      Exercise 2: Generate and Configure X.509 CA Certificates using OpenSSL
      Exercise 3: Create Group Enrollment (X.509 Certificate) in DPS
      Exercise 4: Configure simulated device with X.509 certificate
      Exercise 5: Handle device twin desired property Changes
      Exercise 6: Test the Simulated Device
      Exercise 7: Retire Group Enrollment

  • Module 8: Device Management
  • Module 11: Build with IoT Central
    • Lab 20: Build with IoT Central
      Exercise 1: Create and Configure Azure IoT Central
      Exercise 3: Monitor a Simulated Device
      Exercise 4: Create a free Azure Maps account
      Exercise 5: Create a Programming Project for a Real Device
      Exercise 6: Test Your IoT Central Device
      Exercise 7: Create multiple devices

Sign up for Online Workshop Series: Build End-to-End IoT Solutions

  • Device provisioning at scale - April 30th

Quick Reference: Key Concepts and Terminology

  • Device Provisioning Service (DPS) Features:
    • Secure attestation support for X.509 and TPM-based identities
    • A configurable, updatable enrollment list containing the complete record of devices/groups of devices that may at some point register
    • Multiple allocation policies to control how DPS assigns devices to IoT hubs in support of your scenarios: Lowest latency, evenly weighted distribution (default), and static configuration via the enrollment list
    • Monitoring and diagnostics logging to make sure everything is working properly
    • Multi-hub support allows DPS to assign devices to more than one IoT hub (including across subscriptions and regions), assigned by multiple allocation policies
    • Cross-region support allows DPS to assign devices to IoT hubs in other regions
    • Encryption for data at rest allows data in DPS to be encrypted and decrypted transparently using 256-bit AES encryption
    • Cross-platform support
      - A variety of operating systems
      - SDKs across multiple languages
      - HTTPS, AMQP, and MQTT protocol support (Service SDK is HTTPS only)
  • Service Operations Endpoint – Used for managing DPS and the enrollment list
  • Device Provisioning Endpoint – Single address used for all provisioning, shared across all customers and DPS instances
  • Linked IoT Hubs – Target Azure IoT Hub instances for the DPS
  • Allocation Policy – As previously mentioned, the mapping of device to target Azure IoT Hub
  • Enrollment – The record of a device or group of devices that may register against the DPS
  • Registration – The record of a successful registration/provisioning of a device
  • Operations – The billing unit for DPS; one successfully completed request
  • ID Scope – Differentiates various DPS instances and tenants at the fixed, shared target endpoints
  • Registration ID – Uniquely identifies a device in the DPS instance
  • Device ID – Uniquely identifies a device in the associated IoT Hub instance
  • Attestation mechanism – the way a device proves its identity to the DPS
    • X.509 Certificates – Digital identity based on private/public key pairs and a chain of trust; issued by a certificate authority (CA)
      Certificate rules:
      - Chain must be trusted
      - Group or individual enrollment
      - Individual overrides group
    • TPM nonce challenge
      Trusted Platform Module (TPM) – a specification for storing keys or the interface for communicating with an HSM acting as a TPM; two hardware keys for the TPM:
      - Endorsement key (EK) – unique identifier for the TPM; read-only, injected by the manufacturer
      - Storage root key (SRK) – protects the TPM secrets; generated when a user takes ownership of the TPM
    • Symmetric key
  • Hardware security module (HSM) – used for secure, hardware-based storage of device secrets
  • Individual Enrollments - An Individual enrollment is an entry for a single device that may register. Individual enrollments may use either X.509 certificates or SAS tokens (from a physical or virtual TPM) as attestation mechanisms.
  • Group Enrollments - An Enrollment group is an entry for a group of devices that share a common attestation mechanism of X.509 certificates, signed by the same signing certificate, which can be the root certificate or the intermediate certificate, used to produce device certificate on physical device.


NOTE: In most cases, exams do NOT cover preview features, and some features will only be added to an exam when they are GA (General Availability).